Please find all of Thomas Paine's published works Here
Article by Prof. J.C.D. Clark published in the TLS September 2015
Monuments to Liberty
Did Thomas Paine write the whole of Rights of Man, and if not, what does that mean for our understanding of the French Revolution?
Out there on YouTube- Bill Speck and Paul Myles with the Bald Explorer on Thomas Pain in Lewes, on this link
The Most Valuable Englishman EVER! see this famous documentary by Kenneth Griffith here
An excellent new article about Paine's Agrarian Justice just out in The Globalist
Thomas Paine Tribute Song
By Thetford folk singer Stig Denson
Lewes History Group
- Ancient House, Museum of Thetford Life – Display & Film on Paine's Life
- Article about Thomas Paine's Iron Bridge
- Brendan O' Neill's blog pages
- Download a map of the Thetford Thomas Paine Trail
- South Place Ethical Society
- The Thomas Paine National Historical Association in the U.S.
- Thetford Tourism Website
- Thetford Town Council
- Thomas Paine Hotel, Thetford – Paine's Birthplace
- Tom Paine 200: Celebrations in 2009 and on-going legacy projects in and around Thetford
- Tom Paine printing press
- Voice of the Common People : Short Films by students
- Working Class Movement Library of Salford
- Peoples History Museum
Areview of the Thomas Paine UK two publications by Per Aage Pleym Christensen on Liberaleren
Find a brilliant review of our latest publication The Rise of Thomas Paine by Jett Connor of The Journal of the American Revolution
And Disney have published a book on Thomas Paine! Thomas Paine and the Dangerous Word was authored by Sarah Jane Marsh
Sarah reached out to Paul Myles, our society's author of The Rise of Thomas Paine for help of Paine's Lewes life. Paul and Sarah are shown below in a recent visit by Sarah from Washington State, where Paul gave the Paine tour of Lewes and surrounds. Both books are for sale through the links
The Thomas Paine Society UK have donated a copy of each of these books to the Lewes Library

Paul Myles and Sarah Jane Marsh exchanging books